小程序wpy文件运行报错WePY 2 to build WePY 1 project?_parse wepy config failed. are you trying to use we_大湿骑码的博客-CSDN博客网友收藏

小程序wpy文件运行报错WePY 2 to build WePY 1 project?_parse wepy config failed. are you trying to use we_大湿骑码的博客-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读883次。运行.wpy文件的小程序时报错`[15:44:25] ERR! Parse WePY config failed. Are you trying to use WePY 2 to build WePY 1 project?[15:44:25] ERR! Unexpected type: plugins expect a Array一般是版本的问题,得安装wepy1版本而不是wepy2的版本,如果下载......