服务器响应出错code=500,从服务器返回错误的HTTP响应。(Bad HTTP response returned from the server. Code 500)...-CSDN博客网友收藏

服务器响应出错code=500,从服务器返回错误的HTTP响应。(Bad HTTP response returned from the server. Code 500)...-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读1.7k次。I have a problem to use pywinrm on linux, to get a PowerShell Session. I read several posts and questions on sites about that. But any that can solve my question.The error is in the Kerberos autentica..._send_message error ==== bad http response returned from server. code......
WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxxxx/ws/' failed: Unexpected response code: 502_failed: error during websocket handshake: unexpect-CSDN博客网友收藏

WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxxxx/ws/' failed: Unexpected response code: 502_failed: error during websocket handshake: unexpect-CSDN博客

使用scrapy的response.replace()过滤特殊符号,爬取tmall店铺商品链接_scrapy 爬取网页时包含 a 标签的span 标签被过滤掉了-CSDN博客网友收藏

使用scrapy的response.replace()过滤特殊符号,爬取tmall店铺商品链接_scrapy 爬取网页时包含 a 标签的span 标签被过滤掉了-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读1.1k次。抓取网页有时候会含有一些特殊符号,如, \r, \t, \n等,在使用xpth时会导致定位不到元素,此时就需要先对响应内容做一下过滤,然后使用response.replace()将过滤后的文档重新赋值给response# replace源码部分def repl......