数据挖掘算法和实践(二十二):LightGBM集成算法案列(癌症数据集)_no further splits with positive gain, best gain: --CSDN博客网友收藏

数据挖掘算法和实践(二十二):LightGBM集成算法案列(癌症数据集)_no further splits with positive gain, best gain: --CSDN博客

livy(0.5) on zeppelin(0.8)报No YARN application is found with tag问题解决_warn interactive.interactivesession: fail to get r-CSDN博客网友收藏

livy(0.5) on zeppelin(0.8)报No YARN application is found with tag问题解决_warn interactive.interactivesession: fail to get r-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读1k次。文章目录环境信息代码报错livy日志报No YARN application is found with tag排查尝试远程调试远程调试步骤远程调试结果尝试修改超时参数转换思路:发现不在同一个机房的网络总结环境信息livy(0.5) on zeppelin(0.8)代码%livysc.range(1,10).sum()报错livy日志报No YARN application is found with tag21/05/13 15:34:41 INFO RSCClient: Failin_warn interactive.interactivesession: fail to get rsc uri...