第91课:SparkStreaming基于Kafka Direct案例实战和内幕源码解密 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException 踩坑解决问题详细内幕版本_error gettingpartition metadata for ’, does the to-CSDN博客网友收藏

第91课:SparkStreaming基于Kafka Direct案例实战和内幕源码解密 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException 踩坑解决问题详细内幕版本_error gettingpartition metadata for ’, does the to-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读4.5w次。第91课:SparkStreaming基于Kafka Direct案例实战和内幕源码解密 1.启动hdfs2启动spark 3启动zookeeperroot@worker2:~# zkServer.sh startJMX enabled by defaultUsing config: /usr/local/zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/._error gettingpartition metadata for ’, does the t......
Hive Schema version 1.2.0 does not match metastore's schema version 2.1.0 问题_metaexception(message:hive schema version 1.2.0 do-CSDN博客网友收藏

Hive Schema version 1.2.0 does not match metastore's schema version 2.1.0 问题_metaexception(message:hive schema version 1.2.0 do-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读3.8k次。Hive Schema version 1.2.0 does not match metastore’s schema version 2.1.0 问题Caused by: MetaException(message:Hive Schema version 2.1.0 does not match metastore’s schema version 1.2.0 Metastore is no..._metaexception(message:hive schema version 1.2.0 does not match......
navicat 连接 mysql 出现Client does not support authentication protocol requested by_本地没有装mysql,只是用navicat client doesn't support authe_折竹丶的博客-CSDN博客网友收藏

navicat 连接 mysql 出现Client does not support authentication protocol requested by_本地没有装mysql,只是用navicat client doesn't support authe_折竹丶的博客-CSDN博客

配置Navicat for MySQLNavicat for MySQL是一款常用MySQL管理软件,专门解决MySQL命令行操作不便的问题。下载地址:安装Navicat for MySQL(1)解压安装包之后打开navicat_trial_11.并安装(2)寻找到安装根目录(我这里是D:\Program......
SpringBoot+Mybatis-Plus整合Sharding-JDBC5.1.1实现单库分表【全网最新】_insert statement does not support sharding table r_掉发的小王的博客-CSDN博客网友收藏

SpringBoot+Mybatis-Plus整合Sharding-JDBC5.1.1实现单库分表【全网最新】_insert statement does not support sharding table r_掉发的小王的博客-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读1k次,点赞6次,收藏7次。一、前言小编最近一直在研究关于分库分表的东西,前几天docker安装了mycat实现了分库分表,但是都在说mycat的bug很多。很多人还是倾向于shardingsphere,其实他是一个全家桶,有JDBC、Proxy 和 ......
maven打包scala,报错scalac error: xxxx\target\classes does not exist or is not a director_scalac error: e:\项目\aiwhale\codes\flinkx12\flinkx--CSDN博客网友收藏

maven打包scala,报错scalac error: xxxx\target\classes does not exist or is not a director_scalac error: e:\项目\aiwhale\codes\flinkx12\flinkx--CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读3.7k次,点赞17次,收藏3次。我的报错信息是:scalac error: C:\Users\周利东\Desktop\daydayup\spark\target\classes does not exist or is not a directory找了半天原因,以前也打包过完全没有任何问题。。然后网上有篇文章说是中文路径问......
Your host does not meet minimum requirements to run VMware workstation with hyper-v or device/creden_the host doesn't meet the minimal requirements-CSDN博客网友收藏

Your host does not meet minimum requirements to run VMware workstation with hyper-v or device/creden_the host doesn't meet the minimal requirements-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读3.2k次,点赞4次,收藏2次。一、前沿国庆回来发现自己的电脑自动升级了系统,自己的本地虚拟机也打不开了,报错的问题:Error : Your host does not meet minimum requirements to run VMware workstation with hyper-v or device/credential guar......
【Java】错误: 在类 Test1.Test2 中找不到 main 方法, 请将 main 方法定义为:    public static void main(String[] args)的解决方案_method 'main()' does not have signature 'public st-CSDN博客网友收藏

【Java】错误: 在类 Test1.Test2 中找不到 main 方法, 请将 main 方法定义为:    public static void main(String[] args)的解决方案_method 'main()' does not have signature 'public st-CSDN博客

文章浏览阅读1.2w次,点赞16次,收藏4次。问题:运行Java程序的时候碰到如下问题错误: 在类 Test1.Test2 中找不到 main 方法, 请将 main 方法定义为: public static void main(String[] args)否则 JavaFX 应用程序类必须扩展javafx.application.Application......